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PHSC Symposium 2018

Sheraton Hamilton Hotel, July 19-22 2018

Not just another stamp show!

Registration is now open for PHSC Symposium 2019. Please use the form provided here.

English version
right-click to download

version française
Cliquez à droit pour télécharger

You should download (right-click) the pdf file to your computer. Once you have filled out the form and saved it to your computer, you may email a scan to us by attaching the file to your email. If you wish to send the form to us by regular mail, you will find the appropriate address at the bottom of the second page of the form. Complete instructions for making payment can be found on the form.

Please note that there is a brief description of each event on the second page of the form. You may register all at once for all events, or you may choose individual events on the registration form.