PHSC postal history study groups PHSC post office data base PHSC postmarks of Canada broken circles, machine cancels, duplex, numeral PHSC Journal PHSC research PHSC membership registration PHSC how to use the site instructions
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The IMCRSC was dedicated to researching the Canadian use of the International Postal Supply Company of New York's rapid cancelling machine models "S", "L" and the "Flier". This was a long-term research project identifying the individual daters in each of the Canadian post offices equipped with an International machine and publishing new early and late dates of use for daters and all obliterators including flags and slogans. In addition to reporting data related to the use of the International machines the IMCRSC also investigated other areas of interest including the history of the International Postal Supply Company and its relationship with the Canada Post Office Department. Introductory information on International machine cancels can be found in our primer.

Illustration of a typical machine canceller.

The IMCRSC is no longer operating, but the database is now available to all PHSC members. The database is still being updated with new information, so members can see at a glance what is known. In addition, we maintain a searchable library of published works related to the machine cancellations of Canada and Newfoundland, with focus on the International machine era.

At one time, the group published The International Flier. The back issues are available to members here. The reports that would have been made in the Flier will now be incorporated into the website.

If you are interested in contributing information, please contact Rob Leigh.

Commercial advertising cover for the 1914 Exhibition in St. John, with matching International machine slogan S-1460.
It is unusual to find registered mail postmarked by machine. Here, we have a 7¢ Edward paying the registered letter rate from Sault Ste. Marie to Boston. The International machine cancel is dated in February 1910; the letter was not called for in Boston and eventually returned to Sault Ste. Marie in March 1910.