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The Early Universal Machine Cancellations: Canadian Patents

The Universal Stamping Machine Company sought patent protection in 1910 or shortly thereafter in the US, Canada, France, Austria and Switzerland. Additonal patents were obtained in later years as well. We have found the following Canadian patents. Clicking on the titles will reveal/conceal an extract from the periodical Canada Patent Record. (The files are large so may take some time to appear.) These are the published summaries --- the full text patents (before 1920) are not readily available.

Patent 133225: Mail Marker

George H. Graham. Filed Oct 27, 1910. Granted May 23, 1911.
(appears to be same as US Patent 1022191: filed Oct 13, 1910, granted Apr 2, 1912)

Patent 160702: Mail Marker

George H. Graham. Filed Jan 13, 1915. Granted Feb 16, 1915.
(appears to be same as US Patent 1128774: filed Jan 28, 1914, granted Feb 16, 1915)

Patent 164593: Inking Mechanism

George H. Graham. Filed Jan 13, 1915. Granted Aug 31, 1915.
(appears to be same as US Patent 1190640: filed Dec 18, 1913, granted Jul 11, 1916)

Patent 193517: Post Marking Machine

Frederick E. Poor. Filed Feb 17, 1919. Granted Oct 28, 1919.
(appears to be same as US Patent 1309655: filed Jan 13, 1917, granted Jul 15, 1919
described therein as a Tripping Mechanism)