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RPSC-PHSC Postal History Symposium Video Archive

This is an archive of the 2024 RPSC-PHSC Postal History Symposium zoom presentations, held November 9 2024. The presentations were held in parallel, with three sessions classified as Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Click on the video link to the right of an entry to view the corresponding video.

Elizabeth Sodero
Beginner: Getting Started in Postal History
Bruce Pollock
Beginner: The People Behind the Cover
Charles Livermore
Beginner: Canada Post Sponsorship Program
Gregg Redner
Beginner: Belgium's Prince Albert Issue
Phil Visser
Intermediate: Owen Sound Fancy cancels
Sandy Freeman
Intermediate: Enmity and Gratitude In World War II
Morris Beattie
Intermediate: Development of the Kettle Valley Railway
Gordon Smith
Intermediate: Postal History of the Pon Hood Provisionals
David d'Alessandris
Advanced: Early Cross-Border Mail to Nova Scotia
Kevin O'Reilly
Advanced: Fool's Gold: Labrador's Mining Rushes
Joel Weiner
Advanced: British Military Mall In Palestine During World War I
Sam Chiu
Advanced: Canadian POWs In Hong Kong During World War II